About Troubadour Instruments
Troubadour Instruments was started by owner, Matthew Gilbert. Matthew is a professional Luthier/restorer with over 20 years of experience in the trade. His journey in woodworking started in 2000 where he attended Indiana University School of Music in Bloomington, Indiana. He Graduated top of his class with an associate degree in Stringed Instrument Technology in 2002. From there he worked for several shops both large and small including "Potter's Violins" in 2003, and "Bernhardt House of Violins" from 2004-2010 and 2014-2017. Taking a break for a few years, Matthew ran "Gilbert Instruments" in Ferdinand, IN from 2010-2013. His volume of work has ranged from maintaining a 3,000-instrument rental pool, to restoring centuries old Cremonese instruments and bows.
Matthew also holds a bachelor's degree in literature and a master's degree in theology from Saint Meinrad School of Theology.
Now living in South Carolina, where he works from his home-based studio, Matthew, primarily makes and restores violins, but also creates products such as Salvacian and Woods Wax, traditional varnishes, and writes works of fiction.
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